Friday, July 24, 2009

Jam and Chutneys

It is that time of year to pull the canning supplies out of storage and get ready for the years preserves, chutneys, relishes and pickles. The raspberries and blueberries are fantastic this season so lets get canning.

A few tips before I share some recipes that I like.

1. Can when the fruit or relish is at its best
2. always use new lids and bands
3. be sure there are no nicks or cracks in your jars
4. heat the jars 10 mins before adding preserve
5. following canning instructions and allow the jars to rest 24 hours prior to moving and storing

Blueberry and Raspberry Jam
makes 10 cups

8 cups fresh local blueberries
4 cups fresh local raspberries
100g pectin cyrstals
6 cups granulated sugar
zest of 4 limes

In a heavy bottom pot bottom at raspberries and blueberries and mash with a potato masher. Mix pectin with 1/2 cup of the sugar and stir into berry mixture. Bring to a full boil over the high heat, stir constantly with a wooden spoon. Stir in remaining sugar and continuing cooking until correct consistency.

Remove from heat, cool 5 minutes. Skim off any foam.

using a sterilized funnel and ladle fill jars to 1/4 inch from the top. Cover with prepared lids and screw on bands to fingertip tight.

Process for 10 mins in boiling water. Transfer to rack, cool 24 hours undisturbed.

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